The Danger of Having Arrived | Joshua 23
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The Danger of Having Arrived | Joshua 23

There is probably nothing more exciting than achieving our goals. But the moment of success is also a dangerous time in our journey to love and follow God. Read to find out how Joshua, the leader who led the Israelites into the promised land, encouraged God’s people in his farewell speech.

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How much do you long for God’s presence? | Exodus 33
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How much do you long for God’s presence? | Exodus 33

Have you ever longed for the presence of God? Moses and the Israelites had the blessing of God’s presence with them while they journeyed through the wilderness, but that almost was not the case. Read to find out how Moses convinced God to continue the journey with them, and what we can learn from this story.

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The Blessing of Detour | Exodus 13
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The Blessing of Detour | Exodus 13

Detours are an inevitable part of life that often leaves us impatient and frustrated. But in Exodus 13, we are given a glimpse of the reason why God led Israel on a detour into the wilderness. Read to find out how it may help us tackle the detours in our own life.

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