Rediscovering God’s love

Online study

For Christians, there probably isn’t a more familiar teaching than “God loves you”. Yet many of us struggle to experience His love in our daily lives.

In this 8-lesson study, we will return to the bible and look at the evidence of God’s love for us. It will be a journey of learning and reflection, as we deepen our understanding of God's love, and its implication on our personal walk with Him.

In a Relationship with God

Each lesson contains:

  1. An article to explore an aspect of God's love, with reflection questions at the end of each lesson.

  2. An accompanying 2-part podcast (~12-18min) that includes a Scripture Meditation exercise, and an in-depth discussion of the lesson.

The free study is perfect for individual as well as small groups. The podcast is designed to be played during small group meeting, with clear instructions on when to pause the podcast for members’ sharing.

If you are interested in the Chinese version of the study, please click here.